Body Worn Cameras - successful convictions across the network

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Our rollout of body worn cameras (BWC) is proving successful across the London Northwestern Railway network, with evidence captured by BWC being used in court to successfully convict against two perpetrators of assault, against members of our team.

While checking tickets on board trains, members of our revenue protection team approached a male who had no ticket. and after being asked to show a valid ticket for travel, he became aggressive towards our colleagues who immediately activated their body worn camera's and tried to calm the situation. The male continued to be aggressive and became violent as he eventually departed the train. Our team called for Police assistance who attended a short time later, but unfortunately the offender male had already left the scene. Police requested BWC footage and subsequently arrested a suspect and on the basis of the evidence captured by body worn camera were able to charge them with assault. They went on to admit to the offence of assault and are now being dealt with by the courts.

Elsewhere on the network, station colleagues were attempting to give a member of public extra help after they had missed their last train. Our station team had gone above and beyond their duties to give extra support after their shift had finished, but unfortunately the member of public became verbally aggressive to them and started making violent threats. Again, our colleagues activated their new BWC and captured all threats made towards them. When the police then arrived, they went on to arrest the member of the public.

This is alongside many other successful convictions we have had where BWC evidence from our colleague has been used in court; both on the London Northwestern Railway network and across the country on other Train Operating Companies.

We’re working alongside the BTP, law enforcement agencies and trade unions to support colleagues who make the choice to wear a body worn camera.

Once again, we would like to thank the majority of our customers for treating everyone with respect and following our code of conduct However, to those who don’t follow the rules, remember that we have the technology in place to prevent crime on the network and convict those who don't follow the rules.